Dog Waste Removal

Hate Picking Up Your Pup's Poop? We'll Do It for You.

Save big on recurring dog waste pickup services in the Mandan & Bismarck, ND area

When you let Fido run around your yard unsupervised, there's no telling where he'll do his business. If you don't want to risk stepping in poop, turn to The Deuce Crew for dog waste pickup services. You can save 25% by scheduling biweekly visits, and 30% for monthly visits in the Mandan & Bismarck, ND area.

Dog waste disposal pricing starts at...

$15 per week
$21 per two weeks

We charge a $3 service fee for each additional pet. Pricing also varies based on the size of your yard.

Call 701-527-0429 to learn more about our dog waste pickup program.